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Welcome To My Blog!!

This blog has been made since last year (2010). Initially, I was not sure what should I share in my blog?? So, I started my writing things with any thought about something that I really interest to talk about such as movies, people attitudes and so on.. After a long time, I started to be bored in updating my blog because I actually didn't know what more should I share in my blog?? So now, I got an idea how to continue my writing things.. I prefer to write a series story which is actually based on the true stories.. Hehe.. But, with a big changes here and there compared to the real stories to make it more fresh and attractive.. Initially, I want to write a novel but I just don't know what is the true format to do so.. so, I change my intention and just write the series story..

Don't forget to keep reading my series story until the story reaches to the end.. Thnx 4 Visiting.. Have a nice life~

P/s: But I think they are really came from my heart.. :)

Monday, July 5, 2010

1st experience! I'm blogger.. Huhu..

In The Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful God

hahaha, x sangka kini saye pulak yg mnjd blogger.. hehehe... b4 nie selalu je kutuk mmbr yg wt blog.. skg, saye plak wat.. nway, apa yg menyebabkan saye wt blog nie.. dalam hati ni, byk sangat kata2 yg tak terucapkan..

kata apa pulak yg saya maksudkn? kata-kata hati di sudut yg paling dalam.. Rasanya, xsalah kalau ingin berkongsi.. Saya ade FB tp bkn semua boleh tulis kat situ kn.. terlalu open bagi saya.. hahaha.. lagipun, perubahan dalam hidup amat diperlukan dari semasa ke semasa.. asalkn, ianya kepada yg lbih baik.. huhu..

saye tidaklah berbakat dalam bidang penulisan... Saya rasa, utk blog ni pn, saya x akan menulis byk, cuma sekadar mengabstrak dan mengkonkritkan ape yg saya rasa.. apa yg saya inginkan..

Smge, ape yg ditulis mnjdi pemangkin semangat mahupun penunjuk jalan kepada sesiapa yg buntu dalam kehidupan.. saya bukanlah Tuhan untuk memberi hidayah.. tapi saya yakin, setiap org mempunyai pendapat.. dan ia mgkin amat berguna bg sesetengah individu.. segala perkongsian, bermula di sini.. Wasalam.. (^_^)v


DzuLagiL said...

salam 'alaik...
wah...slmt mnjd blogger yg berjaya...

Aiman Hj Amin said...

agil, ak br tau bley tgk2 comment ni sume bro.. mmbr ak gtau tdi.. hahah...
thnx.. Insha Allah blogger yg berjaya cm ko gak.. heheh

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